This summer we have decided to do something a little different by selecting three books and allowing you to pick which of the three you want to read and discuss! We will meet up to spend time discussing the book with others who picked the same book as you. Our hope is that you have enough time to get the book and be finished before we meet or if you're an avid reader, you should have enough time to read more than one and pick which discussion group you'd want to be a part of that night. If you're interested, please email Brady at with the book you want to read so I can keep you posted on our meetup later this summer.
We've picked three type of books in hopes that one will be a fit for you:
Love Thy Body by Nancy Pearcey
Tackling this book at some point is a must -- so why not this summer? This book deals with the heavy, secular topics of our day, which Nancy believes are all brought about because of a broken and diminished view of our personhood (specifically womanhood). By taking a deep dive into these hard topics, Nancy shows how only the gospel provides hope and healing to our world today. Buy it on Amazon here. *This is an apologetic/philosophical type book but is reader-friendly and very applicable.
Broken Bread by Tilly Dillehay
Food and hospitality -- this book lays out a biblical framework for food throughout the bible and then helps us (as women) become better at enjoying both the eating of food and the making of food for ourselves and others! Buy it on Amazon here. *This book is a christian living type of read.
A House For My Name by Peter J. Leithart
This book is a commentary of sorts on the Old Testament, but was written to be read more like a story. The introduction describes it this way: "This book covers the entirety of Old Testament history...attempting to show how the episodes of the Bible fit together into a single story of God's works within creation and Israel." Buy it on Amazon here. *This book is great for anyone wanting to spend more time in scripture this summer.