Brian Brown Brian Brown

Hebrews 1.5-11

In this powerful exploration of Hebrews 1, we're invited to lift our gaze and behold the incomparable majesty of Jesus Christ. The passage draws striking contrasts between Christ and the angels, revealing Jesus as the supreme heir of all things, the creator and sustainer of the universe, and the perfect expression of God's glory. Through a series of Old Testament quotations, we're shown how Jesus fulfills ancient prophecies as the ultimate King and High Priest. This message challenges us to reconsider our understanding of Jesus - not as a distant figure, but as the sovereign ruler who upholds all things by His word. As we contemplate His supreme authority and sacrificial love, we're called to pay closer attention to His words and deeds, allowing this profound revelation to transform our daily walk of faith.

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Brian Brown Brian Brown

The Ressurection of JEsus Christ: John 20

God establishes a new garden with a new gardener, a new sabbath rest for God’s people, all built on the foundations of Christ’s victory over death and his atonement for sin…

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Brian Brown Brian Brown

2 Samuel 2

2 Samuel 2 tells marks the beginning of David’s reign over Judah, and the outbreak of civil war. The instigation of the civil war happens as two characters, Joab and Abner, are both wrong in completely different ways.

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