Join us for a simple dinner followed by a study.
We’re getting together in our family’s backyard for a simple dinner and some discussion on our current sermon series, “When in Rome”. As we hear the Word preached on a world in which Jesus prays to His Father, “I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one”, it’s particularly interesting for us to have some opportunity to discuss this in relation to the context of our community. I’d encourage you to read John 17:6-26 and Ephesians 5:10-20 before next Tuesday and take some time to notice what stands out to you most about how it relates to being faithful Christians in a world of choas.
I look forward to leading us in some discussion!
You can sign up to bring something here.
We’re going to try to start our discussion somewhat promptly, around 6:30. This should give us ample time to discuss!
Our fall calendar is set! You can check all of the dates out on CCB. Here’s just a couple things that I’d like to draw your attention to for the fall:
We will have our parish’s fall kickoff party on September 13th. We’ll be back at the Larkins house for the first time in a while - it's gonna be a great time.
Studies: our church is delving into Samuel for the next year and a half. For the fall, we’re going to discuss the wonderful value of this book (think of 1+2 Samuel as one book!), why we should study it, and how we live in light of this book.