Starting Sunday morning, September 11th, from 8:30-9:40 we will be offering not just one, but two (!) classes on Sunday mornings prior to the start of our worship service. Both of these classes are designed to follow on the heels of our current series “When in Rome”. Here’s what we’ll be up to during these classes:
1 - Worship is Warfare. We have far too often failed to understand the potency of Christian worship. When we gather to sing, to hear the word and to eat at the Lord’s table we are not coming merely for our own edification. We gather proclaiming in the midst of a city the good and gracious reign of our God. We sing together in God’s presence and in proximity to our neighbors. The songs we sing are prayers to God and a bearing witness concerning our God to the city. Israel’s first choirs were a class of priestly warriors sent to sing the songs of the Lord in the presence of God’s enemies. During this class, we will learn to sing the songs of the Bible together. Tying together the Psalms and the history behind them. Come prepared to sing.
2 - Living in Rome. As we work our way through how the New Testament calls us to a particular kind of faithfulness in the midst of a secular culture, we will be confronted with what appears to be a paradox. We are at war and we are to love our neighbors. We are to dress for battle and serve our city. During this class we are going to consider what this looks like practically as we address different current issues, examining what the Scriptures teach on these things, and how we might fight and love well. We will cover the following topics over the three weeks: Week 1 Sexuality; Week 2 - Pluralism; Week 3 - Money, Work and Business.
Below are the practical details for these Sunday morning classes:
1 - Please RSVP in CCB! We will have breakfast burritos for everyone to enjoy at 8:30am so we'd appreciate knowing how many of you (including your children) plan to attend a Sunday school class. The class you plan to attend doesn't matter for the breakfast RSVP's.
RSVP for Sept 11th here (if you already RSVP'd, it shows up under this date only)
RSVP for Sept 18th here
RSVP for Sept 25th here
2 - We will have childcare for 1 through 3 year olds following breakfast. We have a couple teenagers who will watch them in the Children's Cry Room upstairs during the class if you'd like the help with your little movers while you attend a class.
3 - We want you as parents to decide which class you'd like your children to attend with you. They are welcome in both but we ask that a parent is present with the children during whichever class. We also want to let you know that we will be recording the Living In Rome class so if you decide to divide and conquer the classes, whoever missed the Living in Rome class can listen to it later in the week. How might this work over the three weeks? Here is one example: week one - dad stays with kids in the Worship is Warfare class while mom attends the recorded Living In Rome class. Then the next week dad attends the Living In Rome class while the mom stays with the kids in the Worship is Warfare class. Parents can flip a coin for which class they attend during the third week. Teenagers are welcome to attend either class their parents are good with them attending.
Questions? Ask Brian, Ryan, or Brady this coming Sunday or send us an email.
We look forward to spending these Sunday mornings together to learn how to be better at proclaiming the good reign of God, whether we're gathered on a Sunday morning or as we interact with the world around us throughout our week.