
Come Worship With Us

Trinity gathers for Worship
every Sunday at 9am.

We meet in the Sanctuary at Edgewater United Methodist Church located in the Edgewater Neighborhood of Denver. 

Everything we are as a church springs from our worship together as a community on Sundays. Whether you believe the gospel to be true or you are considering the claims of Christianity we encourage you to join us on a Sunday to learn more. 

Traditionally the church has followed a pattern in its worship that helped direct God’s people into God’s presence by the Spirit. When we gather as the church for worship we do so as God’s covenant people, and so we gather to renew the covenant relationship God has established with us through the death and resurrection of Jesus. This means that we will sing, pray, and hear the Scriptures preached. Each week the culmination of our worship is in celebrating communion together. 

The central announcement & confession of the Christian Faith is the Gospel, which is an announcement about the life, death, resurrection and reign of Jesus. It is the good news that Jesus’ death means that you no longer need to bear the penalty for your sins. His resurrection means that the terrible penalty of death for His people and for creation itself has been undone. His reign is a reign that aims at the remaking of this old world - taking what is broken and making it whole and new. It is our hope that the gospel will be central to all our time together when we gather.